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Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Kejadian "lucu" kemarin dan kemarinnya lagi dan kemarinnya lagi:

1. Terjadi entah berapa kali kehilangan kunci, usb, buku dan bbrp hal lain milik orang lain. USB milik Valen, kunci kantor Miss Desi dosen saya, hingga buku-buku milik Valen yang baru saja dibeli.. Anehnya saya bahkan merasa tidak ingat dan tidak sadar apa yang habis saya lakukan. Sepertinya 5-10 menit yang lalu ingatan saya sudah hilang. Aneh kan jika saya tidak menyadarinya?!

Drama kehilangan tersebut:
1. Valen dan saya berangkat dari ruang MD (Miss Desi) ke kelas Strategi Negosiasi pukul 10.30. Saat itu saya *******************************(lupa)... Sekembalinya ke kelas, Miss Desi meminta USB berisi (lupa) itu. Nah, saya bilang "Kan saya sudah kasikan ke MD sebelum kelas" dan kami mencarinya sampe sore dan saya glegar sekali karena itu USB punya Valen. Saya sudah mencari di sudut apapun, termasuk tas saya yang berdasar hitam.
10 menit
20 menit
tidak ngitung
Dan ketika Valen mengecek lagi, USB itu ada di saku tas Rusty abu2 saya itu.... Semua ruangan kemudian mulai menatap seakan2 saya ingin dimakan saja...
Valen: JEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS Guendeng!!!!!! moro2 hape mu itu ndak ilang
dan saya memang sangat tidak ingat jika kejadian itu perlu disimulasikan lagi

2. MD baru saja menguji sidang MKN (Magang Kerja Nyata) dan kembali ke kantornya. Saya yang baru saja datang dan menaruh laptop serta tas dititipin gantungan kunci berbentuk sosis milik MD dari Jecklin. MD pun makan lempernya. Saya menyalakan laptop sambil bertanya dengan polos " MISS ini gantungan sosis mau ditaruh di mana?" Miss Desi: "yaaaaaaaa dikaitkan ke kuncinya lah!" "Lho saya kan ga dipegangi kuncinya miss, saya gak liak kunci dari tadi"...
Dan seruangan glegar semua... Termasuk Jecklin yang bingung AR nya (kumpul jam 12 siang itu).. singkat cerita (karena kalo berlebihan cerita saya ga kerjo2 proposal iki), MD dan saya merogoh2 segala tempat termasuk tas, bungkus lemper yang telah dibuang, dan bawah dudukan Jecklin. Dan 10 menit kemudian, ketika saya merogoh tas merah jerapah saya, kunci itu ternyata ada di saya...
Kali ini yang glegar adalah orang se FB, se Tata Usaha Jurusan, and whatever!!!!

Looks like I suffer something yang mengerikan

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

7:46 AM

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009
A Storm Is Going To Come
Cuman kangen sama INI:

sejak tidak ada dia, aku menjadi merasa lebih tidak berguna dari sebelumnya
sejak tidak ada dia aku semakin pelupa
sejak tidak ada dia, buyarlah semua konsentrasi dan harga diri
sejak tidak ada dia, kekecewaan-kekecewaan orang lain pada diriku semakin bertambah

Tidak ada satu hari pun tanpa aku merindukan kehadirannya
Tidak ada satu hari pun aku mengingat masa indah bersamanya
Aku lebih dari sekedar butuh, tapi dia adalah sebagian hidupku
dan sejak saat itu hidup terasa jauh lebih melelahkan untuk dijalani
Dengan caraku sendiri, aku hanya bisa mengingat dia

Dia bukan sekedar barang, dia kasih sayang dari orang tua
Dia bukan sekedar bongkahan seperti batu bata, dia lullaby sebelum aku tidur
Dia bukan sekedar alat komunikasi, dia membantuku bernyanyi dan membangunkanku sebelum sekolah
Dia adalah dia
Dan dia menghilang sebelum aku sempat lelah bersamanya dan berkata selamat tinggal

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

3:55 PM

6 COMMENTs {pick me, choose me, love me!}
Sunday, May 24, 2009
What A Difference A Day Makes part 3
Today's the day my life begins.
Today I become a citizen of the world.
Today I become a grown up.
Today I become accountable to someone other than myself and my parents.
Accountable for more than my grades.
Today, I become accountable to the world.
To the future.
To all the possibilities that life has to offer.
Starting today, my job is to show up wide eyed and willing and ready.
For what, I don't know.
For anything.
For everything.
To take on life.
To take on love.
To take on the responsibility and possibility.
Today, my friends, our lives begin.
And, I for one can't wait.

Becca - Grey's Anatomy, What A Difference A Day Makes

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

10:28 AM

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She Works Hard For The Money
Just because I don't have Bold, it doesn't mean that I am not bold
Just because there are no money left, it doesn't make me a leftover
I fall apart but don't leave me behind
I said I get over it, but I can't seem to get rid of it

They wore well outfits, classy bags and fine shoes
I just have trashy ones, and I can't barely walk with my own shoes
I am poorly educated as my brain cannot do well for lessons
But I will have to be great, because I later have to work

Millions money they have spent seemed worthless and kinda fun
Yet I don't have money to buy another
And yes father blamed me for what another has done to me
Therefore I am worthless and funny

When I said I need four years time to be done
It is because it isn't enough for me
The day after tomorrow, I have to earn money and get another lessons
So tomorrow I have to be done

Where were you when everything is falling apart?
Trust me it's like losing so much blood and B.P. is dropping
So all we wait is for another one straight line and no beeping in the monitor
Another numbered days you insist me to count
But I just don't want to lay there for now

Another year means that I am blessed
But this year has no good start
But this year ain't over yet
I want to believe it does me any good on the second part

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

8:40 AM

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No Boundaries
Every step you climb another mountain
Every breathe its harder to believe
You’ll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricane
To get to that one thing
When you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you’ve almost gave up on your dreams
Then take it by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries

~Kris Allen - No Boundaries~

Sepenggal lirik dari American Idol Winner Song tahun ini...
It's good for keeping your head up...

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

8:28 AM

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Thursday, May 21, 2009
What's Going On?
Jika pintar, sebenarnya kita perlu menanyakan apa sih perlunya:
  • Baju bagus dan banyak
  • Hape Blackberry serta gadget lain yg mentereng
  • Gonta-ganti pacar
  • Nongkrong di cafe ngetop
  • Makan di resto mahal
  • Pake baju dan make up merk ternama
  • "Ngeksis" di mall ke mall di malam minggu padahal ada banyak PR yang perlu diselesaikan
Sayangnya kita memang ternyata tidak pintar2 amat mengalahkan semua kearbitreran. Tidak hanya daftar di atas saja, melainkan hal lain yang sudah dilakukan biasa2 saja padahal sebenarnya mengganggu.

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

9:30 PM

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Way I Are
Wild Cat says:
I do more Grey's-ing than everybody else, so people should be proud if they are called "Jess the sequel"
Wild Cat says:
Wild Cat says:

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

8:47 PM

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Now Or Never part IV
Callie about George

George. Sweet, kind George, who can't even kill a fly is joining the army to go to Iraq in the middle of a war and you said awesome.

Callie: Hey, I've got a plan to stop George, you in?
Arizona: Stop George from what?
Bailey: Ah, he joined the army. Yes. I'm in.
Arizona: Bailey, I'm talking to you! Why are you trying to stop him?
Callie: Because he joined the army.
Arizona: And?
Callie: And, because he's my ex husband, and I know his mom and I love his mom. And, normally Izzie would
talk sense into him but, she's got cancer, and kind of a bad mental deficit. So, it's on me to stop him.

Arizona: Why would you wanna stop him?
Callie: Because he joined the army. Don't you think that's a problem?
Arizona: I think that's awesome.
Callie: Awesome?

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

4:48 PM

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Monday, May 18, 2009
Off I Go
Teman2 sekalian.
Saya sedang re-launching blog lama saya dengan layout yang baru...
Jika blog ini lebih bercerita yang gloomy2 (dark and twisty),
maka blog saya yang satunya lebih bright and shinny... Artikelnya juga lebih "nggenah"...
Silakan mampir ya...
Baru nanti saya akan buatkan link blogrollnya...

"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

7:37 AM

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Sunday, May 17, 2009
Now Or Never part III
Did you say it?
I love you
I don't ever want to live without you
You changed my life
Did you say it?

-Meredith Grey, Here's to The Future/Now or Never-

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

3:15 AM

2 COMMENTs {pick me, choose me, love me!}
Now Or Never part II
And so I couldn't remember
my memories reset in fine minutes apart
then you sit, yell, astonished
when it might be all said and done
i woke up with smile
and passed out
painful yet beautiful at most
Do Not Resuscitate
don't ever bring me back
let me go
would you?
although i never thought
i could end up here
like this
I want to remember me
being so close with you
and knowing that you love me
so that is what really saved me
so i know you are the one who catches me
when i fall and surrender
knowing I give up doesn't mean I give myself up
knowing I give up doesn't mean I let you walk away
I wish I could choose you over death
I have wishes and hopes
that shapes me for who I am
when I'm with you

Here I am
Lay still and wait
I wanted to tell you this is me
A shadow for you as always
The one that follows you
not just in daylight
but the most darkest time in night
I wanted to tell you I changed
and I hope we'll be okay
I hope you guys are doing good
Pray for me
As I catch up
I may not feel so alone anymore
I am a doer
I do, and I believe I do better
Please identify so many times
when I shared my tears with you
when I held you close
when I chose you
when you had nothing but me
Love me and remember me
for what we have done together
everyday and every nights
feel me
when you let me go

When two worlds collide
Look me in the eyes
I know we have to survive these
So sacrifice these quiet times
I know what it means
when I'm watching you
place wings and fly away
but I know we're strong
we are doers
I know we don't quit
we are so gonna breathe again
slow and tender we go
it may not be hand in hand
but I am sure
at least
one of us
is surviving
and even if one of us is leaving
by no means
I know at least I know you're my best friend
I've heard you
You've heard me
we are one

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

1:22 AM

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Friday, May 15, 2009
Now Or Never part I
Special two hours Grey's Anatomy Season Finale

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

8:11 PM

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Thursday, May 14, 2009
You're Not Alone
Currently loving these songs:

Katy Perry - Waking Up In Vegas

Jordin Sparks - Battlefield

The Veronicas - Untouched

Bosson - What If I

Saosin - You're Not Alone (Piano Version)

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

6:42 PM

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The Same Old Story
Kalo berbicara tentang wanita, selalu identik adalah:
  • Feeling
  • Beauty
  • Cry
  • Love
  • Tough
  • Heart
and so on...

Tetapi, ketika berbicara tentang zaman globalisasi, banyak juga perempuan selalu membicarakan:
  • baju
  • sepatu
  • tas
  • make up
  • cowok
  • uang
  • jalan2
  • bahagia jangka pendek
  • gadget
  • mewah
Memang dua hal di atas sangat kontras sekali. Tidak tahu kenapa, semuanya boleh jadi bergeser di era serba gila ini. Tidak dapat dipungkiri, saya pun tergiur beberapa temptation di daftar kedua di atas. Namun, yang sekali lagi lupa dipikirkan sebagian wanita, adalah yang di list pertama. Di mana daftar ciri khas wanita tulen itu menjadi suatu yang mestinya tak tergantikan.

Wanita, begitu diucapkan kata itu langsung membentuk konotasi yang indah jika dipikirkan. Sayangnya kelakuan beberapa wanita agaknya membuat dia menjadi kurang indah lagi. Wanita, merupakan seseorang yang diciptakan untuk membantu pria. Membantu juga bukan berarti "pembantu=disuruh-suruh". Sebab tanpa wanita, pria pun tenggelam dalam "pengertian dalam gua mereka sendiri". Ibarat suatu data yang jika disajikan sendirian dalam penelitian, sebagus apapun data itu tak akan ada artinya jika tak ada data pembanding.

Yah, jadi melanturlah omongan kali ini. Kembali lagi!
Saya sendiri ingin lebih berpikir bahwa wanita bukanlah pengemis buat pria.
Wanita justru merupakan seseorang yang menyelamatkan pria.
Ya, di sini mau tak mau memang jika berbicara wanita, pasti ada pria. Jenisnya cuman dua itu sih!
Seringkali, banyak yang terjebak kenyataan wanita haruslah secantik dan semewah mungkin supaya mendapatkan lelaki yang sepadan.
Banyak yang akhirnya menghalalkan segala cara menghancurkan perempuan lain demi tampak lebih berharga di mata orang-orang.

Pada akhirnya, esensi indah itu terkikis dengan seven deadly sins, bahkan lebih!
Ah, saya pun sering seperti itu. Tetapi saya sekarang berpikir lebih realistis daripada sebagian wanita-wanita lain.
Saya tidak ingin berucap bahwa pria merupakan segalanya buat wanita. Dan kita wanita berhak dapat apapun dan harus dapat apapun dari kerja keras pria.
Saya ingin supaya diri saya boleh tidak memikirkan kebahagiaan jangka pendek.
Misalnya kesenangan sehari saja, liburan yang cuman satu-dua bulan saja.

Saya pun percaya, orang yang sukses dapat mengandalkan diri sendiri
Serta dapat percaya pada kemampuan dan mau tidak menggantungkan diri pada orang lain.
Lalu, yang sukses merupakan wanita yang memiliki rencana dan impian untuk masa depannya. Bukan sekedar impian untuk dirinya sendiri, tapi buat ia juga bagikan dengan orang lain.
Kami, wanita, setara dengan para pria.
Bahkan kami lebih dapat mencintai dan lebih dapat mengungkapkan apa yang kami mau jika kami bisa, berbekal perasaan kami yang lebih peka..
Berbekal hati kami yang sering dilukai dan bahkan berbekal keberadaan diri kami yang sering dipertanyakan dan ditertawakan.


"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

8:39 PM

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Sunday, May 10, 2009
Pilot part 2
I am currently watching:
  1. Lost season 5
  2. Grey's Anatomy season 5
  3. Brothers and Sisters season 3
  4. Desperate Housewives season 5
  5. Heroes season 3 volume 4
  6. Fringe season 1
  7. 30 Rock season 1
  8. American Idol season 8
Waiting for:
  1. Damages season 1
  2. True Blood season 1
  3. Mad Men season 1
  1. House MD
  2. CSI NY
  3. Ugly Betty season 2
  4. Gossip Girl season 2
  5. Prison Break season 2

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

8:20 AM

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Saturday, May 9, 2009
Jika Anda adalah penggemar serial barat, dari negara Amerika Serikat terutama, Anda pasti familiar dengan kata PILOT. Pilot merupakan istilah lain dari "episode pertama season pertama" sebuah serial barat. Awalnya, saya memperhatikan hal ini lewat serial favorit saya, Lost. Pada saat itu saya masih menggunakan DVD bajakan sebagai sarana untuk menonton serial kesukaan. Karena DVD bajakan itu sudah merupakan adaptasi dari DVD original, maka memang tampilannya menyerupai aslinya, ada bonus features, dan setiap episode diberi judul.

Awalnya saya mengira Pilot merupakan judul dari episode pertama serial Lost. Hal ini tidak mengherankan, sebab kebetulan atau bukan, episode Lost pertama yang membuat syok adalah scene pilot Oceanic 815 dimakan oleh hewan di hutan. Sekedar intermezzo saja, pilot itu adalah Greg Grunberg yang merupakan karib dari J.J. Abrams, Anda akan menemui Grunberg main sebagai Office Matt Parkman dalam serial Heroes. Namun, ketika menyadari hal yang sama pada serial Desperate Housewives, saya mulai sadar bahwa episode perdana serial barat di sana dinamakan PILOT. Hal ini terjadi ketika saya menonton serial-serial lain, seperti Grey's Anatomy, Brothers and Sisters, Prison Break, Ugly Betty, Heroes, Gossip Girl, CSI NY, House MD, hingga yang terbaru Fringe dan 30 Rock.

My Choices
Bagi saya, episode perdana atau PILOT ini merupakan jalan yang paling awal untuk menarik perhatian saya untuk memilih melanjutkan menonton serial atau tidak. Hebatnya, percaya atau tidak saya melanjutkan hampir semua serial yang sudah saya tonton PILOT nya. Yah, paling tidak walau saya tak dapat menonton keseluruhan episode dari seluruh season, saya tetap setia mengikuti jika serian tersebut main di channel TV kabel saya. Kebanyakan saya bahkan mengoleksi seluruh season dan menontonnya dengan setia. Sebut saja Desperate Housewives, Lost, Heroes, Brothers and Sisters, dan Heroes. Sementara serial lain seperti Prison Break, Ugly Betty, dan Gossip Girl memang saya rehatkan sebab jalan ceritanya makin lama makin tidak menyenangkan bagi saya. Walau saya tetap berpendapat Ugly Betty adalah serial yang patut saya tonton selanjutnya.

Serial seperti House MD dan CSI NY, saya ikuti dengan menonton di AXN, channel di Indovision di rumah. Sedangkan CSI Miami, 90210, Supernatural, Ghost Whisperer, Private Practice bagi saya kalah menarik dengan daftar tonton saya yang lain. Sehingga sehabis menonton salah satu episode, saya tak pernah menontonnya kembali. Sekarang, saya menambah daftar tontonan baru untuk hal-hal yang disebut sinetron di Indonesia ini. Saya membeli Fringe, True Blood, Damages, Mad Men, dan 30 Rock. Hingga saat ini saya sudah menyentuh Fringe dan 30 Rock. Kombinasi yang cukup menarik! Fringe adalah serial yang dapat membuat otak lelah dan 30 Rock adalah serial ngocol yang bisa menjadi alternatif jika stres.

It Forces Us!
Berbekal referensi yang baik, yaitu daftar nominasi Golden Globe Awards atau Emmy Awards serta beberapa website luar negeri, saya cukup puas menonton serial-serial dan seringkali terkagum-kagum dengan PILOT yang berhasil mengundang decak kagum, baik penonton luar negeri maupun saya. Kemudian mempersuasi audiens untuk menonton episode berikutnya, bahkan mengundang mereka untuk tidak melewatkan jam tayang serial tersebut di televisi.

My Life and My Only Dreams
Pilihan-pilihan itu seringkali terlalu banyak dan berdesakan dalam pikiran saya. Namun, merupakan salah satu hal yang dapat membuat saya belajar banyak. Banyak pelajaran hidup, nilai-nilai, dan hal-hal hingga bahasa baru yang saya dapatkan berbekal melihat serial televisi. Memang terdengar simpel dan membosankan, bahkan bisa-bisa dikira pekerjaan orang malas. Namun, saya pikir ketergantungan saya terhadap mereka (ya sekarang menonton serial barat seperti candu dan menenangkan hati saya, guilty pleasure), baik juga terkadang.

Ketidakmampuan saya untuk mobile seringkali membuat saya tertinggal film keluaran terbaru, tetapi serial televisi menjadi cara baru bagi saya untuk belajar dan memahami sesuatu yang saya pikir, berbeda. Berbagai genre dan tema unik yang saya pilih, bisa jadi merupakan kosa kata baru bagi kehidupan saya. Bahkan saat ini kecintaan itu berubah menjadi mimpi, atau kalau boleh saya ingin menyebutnya sebagai harapan baru. Ya, saya harap saya bisa menjadi seorang penulis naskah untuk serial barat. Ya! Barat lho, bukan Indonesia. Sehingga mungkin suatu saat nanti saya bisa membagikan sesuatu buat orang lain, seperti ketika saya dihidupkan kembali oleh para creator dengan cerita fiksi yang hanya dapat saya pandangi di layar komputer saya. Sayang, ya!

PS: lagi kesurupan pingin nulis artikel, walau tidak diperiksa lagi pembagian sub judulnya serta bagian dalam (kecuali kata2 bukan indonesia dimiringkan aja).

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

8:39 PM

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What A Difference A Day Makes part 2

That is a special gift from me, a fan.
Come freakin' on, guys!
You finally have a beautiful wedding of yours, yourself!
You'll get through this!

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

6:59 PM

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What A Difference A Day Makes
Meredith: Alex.
Alex: Bailey says Shepherd found another tumor, in Izzie's brain. Did you hear?
Meredith: I heard.
Alex: I just...
Meredith: Alex.
Alex: He doesn't think he's gonna get it out this time. I think... (crying) I think she's gonna die on me. I think she's really gonna die. Ugh! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for a wedding?
Meredith: Well, that's what I came to talk to you about.

Wedding of the year:
Alexander Michael Karev and Isobel Katherine Stevens

Minister: Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of Alexander Michael Karev and Isobel Katherine Stevens. This is a sacred right. An ancient right. As Isobel and Alex prepare to join their lives, it is important to understand that everyone present has played a part in shaping their lives. And, will continue to play a vital role in their continuing future. And thus, we are here not only to witness their vows to each other, but to bestow upon them our blessing. And, now the couple will read their vows.
Izzie: Oh, we didn't write anything.
Alex: No, wait. I have something I wanna say. Today's the day my life begins. All my life I've been just me. Just a smart mouth kid. Today I become a man. Today I become a husband. Today I become accountable to someone other than myself. Today I become accountable to you. To our future. To all the possibilities that a marriage has to offer. Together, no matter what happens, I'll be ready. For anything. For everything. To take on life, to take on love. To take on possibility and responsibility. Today Izzie Stevens, our life together begins. And I for one can't wait.
Izzie: I love you. (kisses him)
Minister: Ahem, not yet!
Alex: Hurry up!
Minister: By the power vested in me, by god and the state of Washington, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Izzie: Now?
Minister: Now.
(Izzie and Alex kiss)
Izzie: Oh Mer, I don't... I don't even know how to... I... thank you.
Meredith: (tears up) Ok, so whose the maid of honor? Me or Cristina?
Izzie: Cristina. Alex, he needs a best man... and he was asking for you.
Meredith: (laughs, trying to hold back the tears) Haha.
Cristina: Oh, so what? I'm leftovers?
Izzie: You tried to save my life. That makes you honorable.
Izzie: You never know the biggest day of your life is the biggest day. Not until it's happening. You don't recognize the biggest day of your life, not until you're right in the middle of it. The day you commit to something or someone. The day you get your heart broken. The day you meet your soul mate. The day you realize there's not enough time, because you wanna live forever. Those are the biggest days. The perfect days. You know?
Denny: I bet you ... you made a beautiful bride.
Izzie: It was a beautiful day.
Alex: Come on. (takes out her hair piece, and some hair comes with it. Izzie touches and pulls more out) Hey, hey, it's okay. It's just hair, you don't need it.
Izzie: It's just gonna keep falling out.
Alex: We'll shave it off. I bet you'd look good bald anyway. Ok? (Izzie starts crying) Hey, stop. You're beautiful. (Alex kisses her)

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

9:59 AM

2 COMMENTs {pick me, choose me, love me!}
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The Arrival
So, today I was so exhausted as always.
I decided to open up so-called-long-time-friend after school -< TV series
It is a new series called FRINGE (2008)

So, here I'm so gonna share you few things that I noticed and some information that I seek before.

Fringe is a 2008 series created by J.J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci.
You might recognize that Abrams is also the creator of one of my favorite series, LOST and Jennifer Garner's ALIAS.
Starring Dawson Creek's Joshua Jackson (Peter Bishop), Anna Torv (Olivia Duhnham), J
ohn Noble (Walter Bishop), etc.

Fringe is all about a FBI division based in Boston.
Fringe investigates strange cases and probably be called "above top secret" cases. Fans said that it is a mixed-up of LOST and The X-Files

Fringe's team which is the regular cast and the very main cast gather together to solved the cases.

Why did I choose Fringe? Well, it is simple. I love American TV Series and I get addicted to it and it is definitely one of my guilty pleasures besides eating and sleeping... So this is one more way to get rid of all things that burden me before..

However, Fringe is new, fresh, smart, unique, unusual and not as famous as HEROES or even GOSSIP GIRL, I guess.

When we talked about the positives, there will always thing which we don't like.
Fringe shows a undeniably gross moving images and stand still pictures, such as person with transparent skin so that you could see his organs inside, or serial killer who does incision on the victim's mouth, or when the victim's eye ball is taken off by the doctor...

Suggestions if you wanna watch:
  • Don't eat while watching! House, CSI, Grey's has much better portraiture even in their most nasty scenes
  • Turn down the volume
  • Don't look closely
  • If you seek for charming/pretty/hot stars, you won't find it here
  • Don't watch it unless you like smart and boring talks among scientists and FBI agents
  • This is not a yay! series and pretty series like Desperate Housewives and the horrible Gossip Girl! So after watch a few episodes you should take a break
  • Don't suggest your friends to watch this

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

8:29 PM

2 COMMENTs {pick me, choose me, love me!}
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Come Together
It reminds me of Season 5 with 3 GUYS and a girl.... But still cannot be compared to previous seasons...

Adam Lambert - Whole Lotta Love -> spt biasa teriak2 tinggi tapi okelah, dibilang best juga dari performance dia
Allison Iraheta - Cry Baby -> sebenarnya bagus, tapi terlalu monoton, lebih bagus I Don't Want To Miss A Thing nya

Duet: Kris Allen and Danny Gokey - Renegade (Chris Daughtry's top 4 performance which led him into bottom 2 and got voted off)-> Danny dibilang lebih oke sama Simon

Kris Allen - Come Together -> Dibilang gak seberapa bagus
Danny Gokey - Dream On -> Sama Simon dibilang nada terakhir2 kayak Friday the 13th... Sangat tidak cocok dengan suaranya
(Carly Smithson and Michael Johns song choices on last year's Beatles Week)

Adam Lambert and Allison Iraheta - Slowride -> duet yang jauh lebih baik daripada Kris/Danny. Tapi tetep Adam Lambert keliatan lebih bagus... Tipe suara rock semua, jadinya cocok...

Result Show besok akan ada CHRIS DAUGHTRY!!!!!!


And the bottom two is: DANNY GOKEY and ALLISON IRAHETA
VOTED OFF: Allison Iraheta

Uh Oh... Not good at all...

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

10:27 PM

0 COMMENTs {pick me, choose me, love me!}
Monday, May 4, 2009
I Don't Give A Damn!
  • Mengusir sifat buruk plegmatis yaitu otak lambat dan terlalu baik sama orang walau dijahati
  • Menjadi NAZI ala Dr. Miranda Bailey
  • Membuktikan diri bahwa memang dapat diandalkan
  • Tidak mengeluh dan menganggap semuanya sebagai pembentukan karakter ampuh
  • Lulus dengan halal! Sebab sudah mengikuti semua prosedur yang diminta uni, di antaranya TOEFL di atas 500 pada awal kuliah, English I pada semester I, tidak terlambat satu mata kuliah pun hingga saat ini, tidak membebani orang tua karena pake harus SP mahal, hingga saat ini syukurlah IPK masih di atas 3,5, cukup aktif dalam organisasi tanpa meninggalkan kuliah, tidak bekerja dan tidak hamil semasa kuliah yang mungkin khusus bagiku dapat membuyarkan konsentrasi berkuliah karena otak saya lambat, Magang dengan layak dan tidak cepet2an menghabiskan durasi magang (berupa jam) dengan tak bertanggung jawab, Tidak pernah tidak lulus gara2 keteledoran semata yang kalo dipikir2 so silly.
  • Bisa tidak panik jika situasi terlanjur yang bikin glegar
  • Belajar mengutarakan pendapat
  • Stand out!

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

7:00 PM

2 COMMENTs {pick me, choose me, love me!}
The Lie

Today, I feel like I should have a good relaxation.
Well, I was pretty exhausted the previous days
So I decided to watch my 'old-time-friend-called-tv-series'
I chose LOST
Because it has been my favorite series for over the years
I've been missing watching LOST
And so I opened up the case and I watched them on my computer

Well, I was watching LOST marathon
It's 8 episode for just a day!
And I am so freakin' happy as I could catch up the news that I have been following about LOST

About a quick recap, here we go:

is sober now and he's menaging everyone else to go back to the island
Kate is confused at first, but she said wherever Jack goes, she will come with him. Ben was trying to steal Aaron from her...
Sawyer is still stranded on island and trapped in time travel. Ooh yeah, he thought time travel's a bitch! He's been with Juliet and kinda forgot Kate.
Juliet is comforting everyone else and she has moved into the white side, not grey
Sun is having Ji Yeon and leaving her to go back to the island
Hurley is pretty nuts as usual but he's getting better and I believed he got his craziness by his parents as well
Locke is DEAD and he's coming back. You must've remembered how he believed that miracle happened on the island.
Jin is not dead and his English is way better than before.
Sayid is on Ben's side and he's with other Oceanic Six - back on the island
Daniel Faraday Well, it's pretty clear that he's a mad scientist and it works but he's still can't save Charlotte
Desmond is already with Penny, having a baby girl and he's convinced by Faraday to look for his mother in Oxford
Charlotte can speak Korean and she's dead. Anyway, she spent her childhood on Dharma Initiative. Actually she has just remembered it now.
Miles is the second Sawyer-Hurley
Ben is still a crazy-creepy guy and he's the one who convinced all Oceanic Six for coming back to the island.

  1. Because You Left
  2. The Lie
  3. Jughead
  4. The Little Prince
  5. This Place Is Death
  6. 316
  7. The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham
  8. LaFleur

  1. Time Travel
  2. Island
  3. Lights
  4. Confused
  5. Back
  6. Science
  7. Faith
  8. Ajira Air 316
  9. Crashed
  10. Oceanic Six
  11. Charles Widmore
  12. Dharma Initiative
  13. Dead
  14. Back
  15. Lost

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

12:01 AM

0 COMMENTs {pick me, choose me, love me!}
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Way You Look Tonight!
American Idol Season 8 Top 5 - Rat Pack Night
Adam Lambert - Feeling Good

Danny Gokey - Come Rain or Come Shine

Matt Giraud - My Funny Valentine

Allison Iraheta - Someone to Watch Over Me

Kris Allen - The Way You Look Tonight

3 Katharine McPhee's songs as I remembered (FYI, I am a huge fan of her)
: Come Rain or Come Shine
My Funny Valentine
Someone to Watch Over Me

VOTED OFF: Matt Giraud!

anyway it's still a good top 5... As all the frontrunner of this season is in!
But still I think American Idol has never been flat until this season!
OMG we need improvements or even changes

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"God love your soul and your aching bones.."

9:54 AM

2 COMMENTs {pick me, choose me, love me!}

One of Them
I am Me, with all my courage, ego, hope, and my own dream, together with all my life, heart, my mind, and fate.. Somehow, I'm surviving, which humanize me.. Because of all the trying and struggling, sometimes I fall and some days God lift me up...

Name: Jess Part Deux
Home: Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
About Me: You say you're all dark and twisty. It's not a flaw, it's a strength. It makes you who you are. ~Derek Shepherd~
See my complete profile

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Grey's Anatomy//LOST//Desperate Housewives//House MD//Brothers and Sisters//American Idol//America's Next Top Model//CSI NY

The Constant
Christina Aguilera, Katharine McPhee, Chris Daughtry, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Carrie Underwood, t.a.t.u., Avril Lavigne, Michelle Branch, Kat DeLuna, Lady Gaga, Delta Goodrem, Leona Lewis James Blunt, Ingrid Michaelson, Joshua Radin, OneRepublic, Brooke White, Carly Smithson, Michael Johns,

Art Isn't Easy
Armageddon/Moulin Rouge/Atonement/Rain Man/Girl,Interrupted/The Reader/The Others/Slumdog Millionaire/Step Mom/Amelie/Serendipity/A Beautiful Mind

The Miracle Song
There You'll Be/Thinking Of You/White Horse/All Fall Down/Chasing Cars/Carry You Home/Born to Make You Happy/Drifting Further Away/Fall For You/Ordinary World/Home/I Can't Break It To My Heart

Hi, Society!
* Jess
* Ms. Desi
* Ms. Joanne
* Valencia
* Eva
* Cindy
* Berline
* Carissa
* Rendy
* Wida
* Ajengg

October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
March 2010

A Storm Is Going To Come
What A Difference A Day Makes part 3
She Works Hard For The Money
No Boundaries
What's Going On?
The Way I Are
Now Or Never part IV
Off I Go
Now Or Never part III
Now Or Never part II
Now Or Never part I
You're Not Alone
The Same Old Story
Pilot part 2
What A Difference A Day Makes part 2
What A Difference A Day Makes
The Arrival
Come Together
I Don't Give A Damn!
The Lie
The Way You Look Tonight!
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