Whatever happens in your life
As long as you have love
Everything will be okay
As far as I know, it isn't as easy as it looks
Life ain't going better for some people
I don't know why, but it happened
through my eyes I see
Back then there was a girl
Everything seemed perfect
Everyone loved and envied her
Vice versa! She found it comfortable in everyone's world
She told her friends to get over guilty feelings
She gave love and get them back easily
She said "Just enjoy your life as God has given to you!"
And then her back is now turned
Everything just seems let herself down
She still is loved
Yet she's numb
Paralyzed by guilty feelings
or everything that I don't even know
What am I supposed to say?
Am I judging?
When I was younger I was a person worse than she is
I was kinda hoping
She would never do this
Because it hurts her
and it pushes me down even more
So the only I thing I could hope for
is that she becomes a person she used to be, at least
I wish she could have a life that she wants
I wish that love conquered it all
The tears may still fall
The rain may covers her tears
But even I, felt the day before this day
is way better and comforting
It might be imperfect, still
but all love that we each give and have,
which God shares
is something that is perfect for life
it is a life that supposed to be ours
I know I don't understand
and I know I probably won't
as I don't even know myself
and I don't even know her
we dont' have to know better
to do better
and to feel better
We are so gonna learn
I know I don't understand me
and even her or you
but this trash-talking idiotic poetry
I will open like a time capsul
and then I hope I will understand
and she will
you will too
yes, someday
-Jess 13/04/2009-
Dedicated to her love ones she missed the most
Labels: Life, proverb, thoughts, truth
"God love your soul and your aching bones.."
6:41 PM
6:41 PM